Armor Wars part 2. An Air Force C-130 is attacked by a team of three villains who call themselves Raiders. The pilots are calling in a may day while the passengers are getting their firearms ready for an assault. While gathering their weapons, the fuselage is ripped open and the Raiders enter. Because of the loss of pressurization the aircraft is forced to dive.While the aircraft is diving the Raiders enter the aircraft and head for the cargo bay. Just as they begin unpacking some of the contents Iron Man shows up and puts a stop to their plans. He immediately is able to subdue one of the Raiders and permanently disables his suit. The next Raider heads for the cockpit and holds the captain hostage and threatens to kill him. Iron Man gives into his demands and leaves the aircraft. While he’s on his way out, he contacts the pilot over his headset. He instructs him to duck when he says “duck”. A few seconds after he leaves, he tells him to duck and comes crashing through the windshield knocking over the guy keeping him hostage. While the Raider is on the ground he disables his suit.Now the only one remaining jumps out of the aircraft and Iron Man gives chase. Iron Man caught up and was able to disable his suit mid-air and the Raider falls from the sky and stops about an inch from the ground. Iron Man saved the day again.After taking care of the Raiders Iron Man heads back for Stark Enterprises to rest. As soon as he’s seen going into his office as Tony Stark, he is swarmed with employees. They all want his attention for something or other. He gets a call from Abe Zimmer and rushes out of the office leaving Mrs. Abogast to sort thing out. Rhodey and Tony are flying towards Accutech to see what Zimmer wanted. Zimmer brings to Tony’s attention that one of the names have been erased from the list of possible technology thieves. He uses his secret clearance to log into the Avengers database to narrow down a list of possible suspects. One name sticks out in the list–Stingray.Rhodey and Tony leave…
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